Sarah Willett - BankCherokee
Sarah Willett

Sarah Willett

Assistant Retail Manager, Personal Banker, and Consumer Lender

What is your position at BankCherokee?
Assistant Retail Manager, Personal Banker & Consumer Lender.

How many years have you worked in banking?
I have worked in banking for over 6 years.

Why do you enjoy working at BankCherokee?
What I value most at BankCherokee is the family environment and my wonderful coworkers

What is your specialty at BankCherokee?
My specialty is building strong, authentic relationships with customers and coworkers.

What was the last book you enjoyed?
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.

What was your best vacation ever?
My kids and I go on an annual camping trip with my parents and family each summer. We go to Cable, WI for at least a week and we have the opportunity to be together and take a break from life for a bit.

What do you like to do outside of work?
I enjoy spending time with my kids and family. This past year I started officiating basketball and I love it.

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Success Stories

Julie believed in Lisa and knew her unique plan for business expansion had merit. A mobile mental health facility would break down barriers for the recovery community and meet an objective that therapists like Lisa worked hard to fulfill—to literally meet people where they’re at and provide the tools and support needed to transform their lives.