Check Out The Buzz!
Back in April, we gave out sunflower seeds to plant in your yards. We would love to see how they did! Send us your sunflower pictures and we will create a collage in our office. We have already received a few great pictures and are excited to see more.
Once again it is honey harvest time for Queen Flora and her bees. As a beekeeper, my main concern is the conservation and well-being of my honeybees. Harvesting honey is a bonus. This year, only one of my hive locations provided excess honey for harvesting. The two other locations produced enough to get them through the winter (fingers crossed), but nothing extra. Helping the bees and the environment is enough to keep me interested in beekeeping, but that honey bonus helps me stay on track.
We have been talking about ESG investing for years. We love it for its sustainability and the impact it has on our world. But, is there a bonus in ESG investing? We think so. When a company implements solid environmental, social and governance business practices, they are building a sustainable future and that can be good for their bottom line. Call us today at 651-290-6114 to find out how ESG can keep your portfolio on track.
Bee well,
Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC
Financial Advisor
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
Not FDIC Insured – Not Insured By Any Government Agency – May Lose Value – Not Bank Deposits – No Bank Guarantees
There is no guarantee that a company with a strong ESG score will outperform a company with a lower ESG score in any given market environment.