BankCherokee will be closed on both Saturday, August 31st and Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.
Any online transfer requested after 6 pm on Friday, August 30th will be processed on Tuesday, September 3rd.
ACH Customers: since the Federal Reserve Bank is closed on Monday, any ACH file with an effective date of 09/02 will be processed on 09/03. If you would like the file processed the Friday before, please adjust your effective date to 08/30 and submit your file no later than 3:00 p.m. Thursday (08/29). If you have any questions about your ACH file, please contact our Cash Management Department at 651.291.6240
Closing both Saturday & Monday allows all our employees time to enjoy a true long weekend to spend with their families.
Thank you for banking with BankCherokee.