Great Improvements are coming to Business Plus on Monday, September 20, 2021.
Business Plus will be unavailable after close of business (6:00 pm CST) on Friday, September 17th so that we can perform the upgrade. We will begin the upgrade on Saturday and if all goes as planned, Business Plus should be available Saturday evening after 6 pm CST. Thank you for your patience while we install the upgrade. Below is a video as well as print screens that cover the enhancements.
If you have any questions, please contact our cash management department by calling 651-291-6240 or by email at cashmanagment@bankcherokee.com. Thank you for banking with BankCherokee.
- Demo Video – 6 minutes long.
- Login to Business Plus – you will login with your Access ID and Password on the Login page – saving you time.
- Responsive design – now you can log into your Business Plus account on your tablet or phone and the screens will automatically adjust to your device. No more zooming in and out of a screen.
- Wire Manager and ACH Manager users will no longer have a separate window pop-up when using ACH or Wire Manager.
- Downloading and searching for transactions is now easier – you no longer have to go into transaction archive if you are looking for older transactions. For the example below, we selected Date range for the Activity drop-down and used the dates 01/01/2019 to 01/31/2019.
- Remote Deposit users – to access remote deposit, you will first select the option Checks & Deposits and then click on Deposit checks.