What do you do at BankCherokee?
What do I do at the bank? That’s a great question as no two days are alike. Overall, provide the vision and direction for the bank. Reinforce that direction. Cheerlead. Help grow the bank. Keep us focused. Serve as a representative in the community–a value of this organization.
How many years have you been in banking?
I started, professionally, in banking in January 1981 and have been at Cherokee since November 1983. Truly, the bank has been a part of my life forever…
Why do you enjoy working at BankCherokee?
I received a thank-you note today that said, in part, “Thank you for believing in us.” That’s why–I get a chance to support people. I get a chance to hear people’s dreams. I get a chance to build relationships with great people. And every day I have the opportunity to work side by side with some really wonderful people.
What is your favorite movie?
I love movies, so it’s hard to choose just one. The Sound of Music ranks near the top.
What was your best vacation ever?
I have been very fortunate and have traveled quite a bit, I love Colorado in the mountains, Italy for its food and warm people and the ocean just about anywhere.