Nikki Hernandez - BankCherokee
Nikki Hernandez

Nikki Hernandez

Senior Community Banker

How many years have you worked in banking?
Over 24 years, I have worked in various retail positions and still enjoy learning new ways to help our customers.

Why do you enjoy working at BankCherokee?
I enjoy my co-workers, they are great. The bank atmosphere overall is welcoming and I truly love BankCherokee’s commitment to their employees, customers and community.

What is your specialty at BankCherokee?
My specialty is making the customers happy. When I see them leave with a smile on their face, I know I have done my job.

What is you favorite movie?
My favorite move is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

What is my best vacation ever?
Going to Disney World as a family for the first time as a family and seeing the look on my kids faces.

Outside of work I really enjoy…
I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I also love watching my kids at all their sports events.

I am involved with the following organizations.
I am involved by volunteering for my kids sports associations. I am a big believer in kids sports.

Success Stories

White Crane prides itself on attention to detail and becoming their customer's "builder for life". Susan addresses the importance of her relationship with BankCherokee and her banker Heidi Gesell, saying "It's all about banking locally. They get it, they get my vision."