Mar 1, 2021–Mar 31, 2021 | 9:00am–5:00pm
BankCherokee March Virtual Food-Drive
All BankCherokee LocationsBankCherokee is Raising & Collecting Funds for Neighborhood House, Ralph Reeder, & Keystone!
During the month of March, people throughout Minnesota come together to raise funds and collect food for their local food shelves. Traditionally the time of year when food shelves’ inventory was lowest, the March Campaign has become the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state. Join us in collecting as many funds as we can during the month of March. Let’s help fill the shelves!
Help us meet a minimum of $500 for each organization – BankCherokee will match funds up to $500 for each!
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03/01/2021 09:00 AM
03/31/2021 05:00 PM
BankCherokee March Virtual Food-Drive
BankCherokee is Raising & Collecting Funds for Neighborhood House, Ralph Reeder, & Keystone! During the month of March, people throughout Minnesota come together to raise funds and collect food for their local food shelves. Traditionally the time of year when food shelves’ inventory was lowest, the March Campaign has become…
All BankCherokee Locations