CANCELED – Celebrate Earth Day with the bees and learn to invest the ESG way!
Yellowbird Coffee Bar - 1168 Selby Ave, St Paul, MN 55104This event has been Canceled.
If you would be interested in meeting with Johnathan personally to discuss investment options, feel free to contact him directly at jkvasnik@securitiesamerica.com
Free to BEE: ESG investing for you and me.
Join Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC at Yellowbird Coffee Bar to learn more about
ESG Investing and how it can fit into your investment portfolio!
- E- How your Financial Decisions impact Bees and Mother Earth
- S- Investing Like a Bee for you and me
- G-What Bee culture teaches us about ethical Governance.
Yellowbird Coffee Bar –
1168 Selby Ave, St Paul, MN 55104.
Please RSVP to: kklindworth@securitiesamerica.com
Space is limited!
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Security America Advisors, Inc., Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Representative. Cherokee Investment Services, BankCherokee, and the Securities America Companies are not affiliated.
Not FDIC Insured – No Bank Guarantees – May Lose Value – NOT Insured by Any Government Agency – NOT Bank Deposits
There is no guarantee that a company with a strong ESG score will outperform a company with a lower ESG score in any given market environment.