Sep 7, 2023 | 6:00pm–7:30pm
Canceled – Real Estate Seminar Series – September 7th
Smith Avenue St. Paul, MNBankCherokee is thrilled to announce a series of informative real estate seminars in partnership with The Odd Couple Team!
We hope you are able to join us for our Second in a series of free seminars.
“The Current Market…Is Now A Good Time To Buy?”
Look for possible reschedule date!
at our Smith Avenue Location
This seminar will feature real estate & banking mortgage experts who will discuss the current real estate market and when is the best time to buy!
If you are considering buying and selling a home in the next year (or two), this is the class for you!
Register at Eventbrite to secure your spot today!
Upcoming Real Estate Events:
- Investing in Real Estate: Saturday, November 4th 10:00-11:30 am
All events held at BankCherokee – 607 South Smith Avenue – St. Paul, MN 55107
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09/07/2023 06:00 PM
09/07/2023 07:30 PM
Canceled – Real Estate Seminar Series – September 7th
Join us for our first free seminar "Mortgage Rates and the Home Buying Process"
Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN