Check Out The Buzz!
Beekeeping is a mixture of knowledge, experience and luck. Guiding not one but three hives successfully through the winter gave me a great feeling of accomplishment. But I couldn’t bask long in my glory, I had hives to split!
With no experience in splitting hives, I had to rely on theory and luck to guide me. My plan was to split two of the hives and leave the third hive alone. I decided not to micro manage by introducing new queens, but let the bees use their instincts to create new queens in the splits. I took a risk and waited impatiently for the results.
The results were worth the wait as the bees hatched new queens in both of the splits! My two bee colonies became four; I doubled my bees without investing in new bees or new queens. My tolerance to take a risk paid off in new bees and the potential for more honey.
Luck was on my side in regards to the third overcrowded hive. The bees did not swarm but expanded into a very strong hive. Next year I will almost certainly have to split this hive to avoid swarming.
Determining my risk tolerance helped me create a plan for my overcrowded hives. Evaluating your risk tolerance guides me in designing an investment portfolio. I invite you to take advantage of my knowledge and experience to create a portfolio that is right for you. Call me at 651-290-6114.
Bee well,
Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC
Financial Advisor
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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