Check Out The Latest Buzz!
Bee season is in full swing and the new colony on top of BankCherokee is doing great. Queen Bee-Once´, the new Queen of 2017, and the bees are making good use of the honey and comb from last year’s colony.
As Queen Bee-Once´ sings to me, I hear she is laying around 1000 eggs a day and the hive is multiplying rapidly. While visiting the rooftop last week, I did find something unexpected. Typically, the honeycomb and brood pattern would be uniform in covering the frames. I found round clumps of cells hanging off the bottom edges of the upper box hive frames. Queen Bee-Once´ and the colony together made the decision that this would be the most efficient use of the hive space for producing new bees.
Nature and instinct took over as Queen Bee-Oncé sang to her bees and they decided to go rogue. The colony decided to build brood comb that is more similar in size and shape to what they may build in a wild environment. It is important for the bees to focus on changing and adapting to their environment to ensure survival of the hive. The colony and I will continue listening to the buzzing voice of Queen Bee-Oncé as she guides us on our journey. I will continue to learn and keep an open mind in hanging with the hive.
It is also important for me to keep an open mind when it comes to managing my clients’ investments. Starting with a sound strategy and a plan to achieve financial goals is the first step. Having the flexibility and willingness to make adjustments along the way can be the difference between success and failure. As shown by Queen Bee-Once´ and the bees, sometimes a creative and unusual approach is what it takes to keep us on track.
Bee Well,
Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC aka King Bee
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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