Check Out The Buzz!
Beekeeping adventure – week 16. Queen Golda and the Bees have been busy growing the colony and storing honey. The hive now has one full honey super (9 Frames) and 7 full honey frames in the second honey super. It’s decision time. As we come to the end of summer I need to decide if the bees need more space to live and work. If so I will need to add at least one additional honey super now and maybe even two by the end of the season. The more honey the better, right?
One of the most common questions people have asked me is, “How much honey can one beehive produce?” In a good season, a hive can produce 60 – 70 pounds of honey. How hard do they work to make that honey? The bees fly about 55,000 miles to make just one pound of honey, that’s 1½ times around the world! I’m tempted to find out what MY bees can do!
As Queen Golda and the Bees talk to me, I hear that they are less concerned about the honey money they will give to me, the beekeeper, and more concerned about whether they have taught me anything about the importance of improving and taking care of our environment. Maybe it’s not all about the honey.
I will be thinking about this decision and listening to Queen Golda and the Bees for guidance about which goals of the hive are most important. I will then direct my resources to helping the hive make the adjustments which will help the likelihood of achieving those goals. My decisions will be important for my success as a beekeeper, however for the bees it could mean the survival of the hive.
I will share with you soon the decisions and the results of how the Bees and I moved forward.
Do you have decisions to make about your “honey money?” I would be happy to help you develop a financial plan to meet your goals. Contact me at 651-290-6114, jkvasnik@securitiesamerica.com or connect with me on LinkedIn.
Bee Well,
Jon Kvasnik ChFC (aka King Bee)
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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