Check Out The Buzz!!
Harvest season is coming to a close. Reflecting on my inaugural season as a beekeeper, I am proud the Bees and the community have made year one a success!
Queen Golda and the Bees really worked hard to make the honey season a success. The Bees had a lot to accomplish in the first year of the hive. Their primary tasks were to create all new honey combs, get comfortable in their new hive, lay a lot of eggs, and venture out to forage for nectar and pollen to make the honey. They accomplished these tasks and, perhaps more importantly, had a positive impact on the surrounding community.
As I listen to the Bees they tell me about how much fun they had pollinating the fruits, vegetables and flowers in the neighborhood. The Bees tell me how their work provides a benefit to the environment. Their positive effect on the local habitat is evident in the enhanced colors and growth of the flowers and the increased yield and quality of the fruits and vegetables.
What about the honey? The Bees told me they did not need any extra room for honey. My colony of overachieving Bees really came through in honey production. The hive successfully produced the 80-90 pounds of honey that they need to survive the winter AND made about 25 pounds of excess honey which I am calling “Honey Money.”
The bees have taught me about the balance between safety, survival and risk. I need to leave the bees with enough honey to survive the winter. The excess will be used to expand and protect the future bees that will make the golden “Honey Money.”
When investing for our future needs we must also maintain and protect a certain amount of our principal or money. If we lose or use it all, our future, just like the Bees, could be in jeopardy.
Are you using a well thought out investment plan? I would be happy to discuss investment strategies that can help you meet your short and long term goals. Connect with me by phone at 651-290-6114, email jkvasnik@securitiesamerica.com, or find me on LinkedIn.
Bee well,
Jon Kvasnik, aka King Bee
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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