Check Out The Buzz!
It is week 10 of my beekeeping adventure. Queen Golda and her bees have been working so hard that 3 weeks ago they lead me to believe it was time to add the honey boxes. When I checked on their progress today I opened the honey boxes and found them empty! The bees have not made any honeycomb or stored any honey upstairs. That was certainly not the result I was expecting.
Listening to the bees this week has taught me some excellent lessons. First, I have no say in the production of honey. Even though I may believe I should receive a return in the form of “honey money,” the bees will decide when and if they will fill the boxes with honey. Second, many factors are at work impacting how fast and how much honey the bees can provide in one short season. I need to understand that from season to season the bee colony will adjust and do what is best for the long term benefits of the hive. The bees do not think only of short term gains.
I can’t help but apply these lessons to investing. Short term results can be difficult to predict. Recently, buzz words like “Brexit” and “DOL rules” have created some short term volatility. If we think long term and stick to our investment strategy, we can ride out the bumps and feel more confident about reaching our goals.
Going forward I will review the bees’ progress using patience and the understanding that the bees know what they are doing and when the timing is right they will provide long term “honey money”. In the meantime I will enjoy knowing the bees are working hard to contribute. In the short term, that is enough reward.
Are you thinking long term? I would be happy to discuss investment strategies that can help you meet your long term goals. Connect with me by phone at 651-290-6114, email jkvasnik@securitiesamerica.com, or find me on LinkedIn.
Bee Well,
Jon Kvasnik ChFC (aka King Bee)
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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