Check Out The Buzz!!
The Bees on top of BankCherokee are preparing for the great Minnesota winter. Bees have one main job in the winter, to take care of the queen bee. Queen Golda must be kept well fed, warm and free of the diseases spread by mites.
The Colony has been working hard all summer to save excess honey for the winter. Now the nectar flow has ended and the Bees will need to utilize the honey they have stored as a food source. The Bees have also been reproducing which will help in the task of keeping warm. The worker bees surround the queen and form a cluster with their bodies. The worker bees then flutter their wings and shiver to produce the heat they need to survive the winter. The middle of the cluster can reach temperatures of over 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
I have done my part to increase the chances of winter survival by managing the mites, confirming the Bees have plenty of stored honey, and preparing the hive for the winter. Even with these precautions, 50% of Bees in the U.S. are not surviving the winter.
- I challenge you to look ahead to next spring and ask yourself, “What can I do to help?” Here are some ideas:
- Plant bee friendly flowers everywhere
- Provide nesting habitat
- Keep bee flowers clean – do not treat bee-friendly flowers with pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc.).
- Support efforts to keep bees healthy and on their own six feet
However, just like investing for our own future, for the Bees there are no guarantees of the results.
When we think about how to increase our chances of financial survival we may enact the same ideas as the Bees. We must manage the risks of our portfolio to ensure that we have enough money to draw on in the future.
Worried about the risk in your current portfolio? I can help you adjust and manage the risk to help you meet your financial goals. Contact me by phone at 651-290-6114, email to jkvasnik@securitiesamerica.com, or find me on LinkedIn.
Bee well,
Jon Kvasnik, ChFC (aka King Bee)
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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