Check Out The Buzz!
Bees Working Hard Saving for Future Needs and Emergencies. It is week 7 of my beekeeping adventure and the bees continue to amaze me. Queen Golda and the colony are working hard to build the necessary foundation for the success of the hive.
The bees have met their first survival goal of establishing the colony’s basic foundation. These little overachievers are ahead of schedule, filling the boxes with honeycomb, eggs, larvae, and hatching bees. Since they have established a solid foundation, it is time to take the next step of saving and storing the extra “honey money” for long term colony needs. I decided it was time to add 2 super boxes for honey.
Queen Golda and the colony are working hard setting a great example of the importance of putting some “honey money” away for the future. As I listen to the bees they continue to inspire me to follow their example of setting short and long term financial and survival goals. How awesome is the perfection of nature’s wonders?
If the bees have inspired you to set some financial goals with your extra “honey money”, call me at 651-290-6114 or email jkvasnik@securitiesamerica.com.
Bee Well,
Jon Kvasnik, ChFC (aka King Bee)
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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