Check Out The Buzz!
We spend a lot of time talking about little things that can make a difference in our environment. We have collected a couple of inspirational stories to share with you.
The first story takes place right in our own backyard. The Smith branch of BankCherokee updated the landscaping around the building to include pollinator-friendly plants and flowers. Providing more food for the Rooftop bees will make it easier for them to meet their winter honey goals. The bees are thrilled with the new gardens.
It may seem like planting a new garden isn’t enough to make a difference in the environment. The bees tell us that small efforts add up. No good work is too small to count. We can look to the Minnesota State Fair for another example. This year, one of the New Foods was pulled from the list because a petition was submitted objecting to the use of non-recyclable plastic. The Wingwalker Donut Flight was to include 3 plastic syringes for injecting fillings. The petitioner thought about all that waste and decided to do something. The State Fair listened and convinced the vendor to remove the item from their menu. Again, this may seem like a small effort, but think of all those plastic syringes littering the fairgrounds.
Investing with ESG values provides the opportunity to make a bigger difference by influencing larger companies. For more stories about making a difference, click here.
Do you have a “making a difference” story you would like to share with us? We would love to hear it! Send to kklindworth@securitiesamerica.com
Bee well,
Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC
Financial Advisor
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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