Lesson 3: Community – Together we thrive
Honeybees are some of the best collaborators in nature. Without working together, the hive will fail. Each bee has a role – the Queen lays eggs, the male bees mate with the Queen, the female bees work.
The distribution of labor in a beehive is fascinating. The bees’ hormones are tuned in to the needs of the colony providing a clear picture of what tasks need the most attention. The tasks are assigned based on age. The youngest bees clean the cells, including the one from which they hatched. After about 3 days, they move on to other roles including nursing, attending the Queen and removing deceased bees. This phase lasts about a week, depending on the needs of the hive. Next, the bee will move further out into the hive to build cells and store food. Once the worker bee is between 22-42 days old, she will move on to foraging. This job is given to the oldest bees because it is the most dangerous and also the most important. The bees will live out the rest of their days in this role.
Each bee works tirelessly to complete her tasks. In times of trouble, the worker bees may move into different roles. The hive struggles, the bees respond. Together they are strong.
In this time of great unrest, we need to remember the power of community. Only if we are united can we overcome the challenges we face – from the pandemic to injustice of all types. We all have our strengths and talents. We all have a role to play. We are all important. Together we are powerful.
That is why ESG investing is so crucial to our mission. If we come together through investing responsibly, we can make a change in the world. We see stories every day about companies making changes in response to shareholder initiatives. Creating a more sustainable world, a more just world, is possible. Together we thrive.
To start your ESG portfolio, call Jonathan Kvasnik at 651-398-7768.
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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