Lesson 5: Hope.
Hope for the end of the pandemic, hope for inclusion and equality, hope for economic recovery, hope for our country, hope for our world. With all that has happened in the past year, hope may seem very distant.
Spring has always been a symbol of renewal and hope. This spring we need that symbol more than ever. This spring the news is finally getting better – success stories about the vaccine, conversations about race and acknowledgment of discrimination, plans to combat global warming and take better care of the environment. Hope is starting to feel a little closer.
On the rooftop of BankCherokee, we found an unexpected glimmer of hope. The bees survived the winter! The odds were against our hive; harsh winter conditions, mite infestation, and colony collapse all threatened to destroy the hive. This year, of all years, they survived, providing a sign of hope we desperately needed.
Investing in ESG strategies is investing in hope. ESG champions companies whose practices embody hope for the future. Providing solutions for air and water pollution, enforcing safe and fair labor standards, encouraging diversity in corporate boards – these companies have hope that their efforts will move us forward toward a better world.
Join us in investing in hope. Contact Jonathan Kvasnik, ChFC for more information on ESG investing. jkvasnik@securitiesamerica.com or 651-398-7768
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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There is no guarantee that a company with a strong ESG score will outperform a company with a lower ESG score in any given market environment.