Check Out The Buzz!
I would like to introduce you to Queen Flora, goddess of flowers and spring. In the short time I have known her, she has proven to be a powerful addition to the rooftop hive. When faced with the blizzard of April 14th, she and her bees persevered. A strong leader is so important to a hive. Most of us don’t understand just how important pollinators are in our daily life. We think, yes, I like honey, but I don’t really NEED it. Those flowers are pretty, but I don’t REALLY care if they don’t spread seeds and come back next year.
Nearly ¾ of the world’s food crops rely on pollinators for production. Not only fruits, vegetables and flowers rely on pollinators. Almonds are 100% dependent on pollinators – no bees, no almonds! What about the honey? Honey contains antioxidants and is anti-bacterial. Some varieties contain “good” bacteria acting as a probiotic. Manuka honey has been found to stimulate the production of immune cells. Oh, and it tastes good!
I have already encouraged you to cut down on pesticide use and plant pollinator friendly gardens. I have also introduced ESG investing as a way to help save the environment. You may wonder if ESG investing really has an impact on the environment. Shareholder initiatives are having an effect on large companies. Use these links to learn more: Earth Day 2018 , As You Sow
Call me at 651-290-6114 to schedule your Spring Cleaning portfolio review. I have some great new ideas for ESG investing.
Bee well,
Jonathan B Kvasnik, ChFC – King Bee
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
Not FDIC Insured – Not Insured By Any Government Agency – May Lose Value – Not Bank Deposits – No Bank Guarantees
There is no guarantee that a company with a strong ESG score will outperform a company with a lower ESG score in any given market environment.