After significant consideration, we have made the decision to permanently close the BankCherokee branch located at 675 Randolph Avenue, effective at the end of business day May 14, 2021.
We look forward to serving our Randolph customers at one of our other Saint Paul branches located just two miles from the Randolph branch. The addresses for those branches are 985 Grand Avenue (at the corner of Grand and Chatsworth) and 607 S. Smith Avenue. Both of these branches offer a full array of products and services, including Saturday hours.
The staff working at the Randolph branch have been offered positions with the Bank after the branch closes, so you can continue to look forward to working with them.
If you have a Safe Deposit Box at the Randolph branch, it will need to be closed prior to May 14. We are offering you one-year free box rental of the same or similar size at either Grand Avenue or Smith Avenue (subject to availability). Please contact Kim at 651-291-6232 to schedule an appointment to close your box.
BankCherokee opened the branch on the corner of Randolph and W. 7th in 1979. It was the second office for the Bank, providing some protection in case the High Bridge were to close (which it did for several years starting in 1985 while the new bridge was being built). So, while we will be closing the building, our commitment to the W. 7th community remains as strong as ever. We look forward to our continued involvement in the neighborhood.
The ATM located at this branch will also be closing on May 14.
Thank you for your continued patronage.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 651-290-6972.
Heidi R. Gesell