Check Out The Buzz!
I am. Over the last few years I have developed an interest in the plight of the honeybee. Some of you may be aware of the survival issues the honeybees are facing. Pesticides, colony collapse disorder and destruction of their natural habitat are making it very difficult for the honeybees to do their jobs. I listened and decided to help.
I have become a beekeeper! I established my first bee colony on the rooftop of BankCherokee in Saint Paul. Three weeks in, the bees are doing great. Queen Golda has been accepted by her fellow bees and the workers have begun building the honeybee colony.
Last Saturday I checked on the bees’ progress. They have made 5 frames of new comb and 2 frames of capped cells which contain eggs. In the next few days we should start to see new bees emerging from the hive.
I am. Over the last few years I have developed an interest in the plight of the honeybee. Some of you may be aware of the survival issues the honeybees are facing. Pesticides, colony collapse disorder and destruction of their natural habitat are making it very difficult for the honeybees to do their jobs. I listened and decided to help.
Now as I listen to the honeybees, I hear that they are happy and healthy. Their hive is growing and they are working hard to thrive – we can all learn from this example. I hope that by sharing my thoughts on the honeybee and my adventures of becoming a new beekeeper, I will enlighten you and spark your curiosity about the honeybee. You may even be inspired to take action yourself.
If you would like to contact me in regard to the honeybees progress or for Financial Advising** information, I am always happy to listen, help you understand and thrive.
Bee Well,
Jon Kvasnik ChFC (aka King Bee)
Direct: 651-290-6114
**Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
Not FDIC Insured – Not Insured By Any Government Agency – May Lose Value Not Bank Deposits – No Bank Guarantee