Check Out The Buzz.
Queen Golda of the BankCherokee rooftop colony passed away after a heroic battle with the unpredictable Minnesota winter. She is joined in death by the loyal bees of her colony who did their best to protect her. She is survived by her faithful beekeeper, Jonathan Kvasnik, and many friends and supporters. A private celebration of life will be held on the rooftop and Golda’s mission will continue with her successor. Pollinator friendly flowers encouraged. Please plant in your community.
While we are saddened by the loss of the colony, we will press on in our mission to save the bees. A new Queen will be arriving soon and with her, new hope for the bees. Our colony joins the 60% of Minnesota honeybee colonies that did not survive the winter. Pollinators are disappearing at unsustainably high rates. What can we do? The first step is to provide a pollinator friendly environment – planting the right flowers and refraining from using pesticides and other harsh chemicals that negatively affect the natural world.
Another step we can take is to match our values to our investments. What if your investment portfolio held only companies that do not profit from harming the environment? We have several partners that are able to screen for environmentally or socially responsible companies.
We would love to talk about how to save the environment through investing and through personal action. Call anytime 651-290-6114.
Happy Spring!
Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC aka King Bee
Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Jonathan B. Kvasnik, ChFC, Registered Representative Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Cherokee Investment Services and Securities America are separate companies.
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