Roger Has the Next Best Thing to a Crystal Ball
What economic challenges and opportunities are around the corner in your industry and how will they directly affect your business? Get Your Complimentary Report Now.
He's your banker and has your back.
Sleep well.
You know that feeling when your heart is set on something only to have the rug pulled out from under you? Then you’ll understand when Roger’s client came to him with a pit in his stomach. A big real estate deal for new manufacturing space came up nearly $1 million short in its appraisal. But with 25 years of local banking experience, that’s exactly the kind of situation where Roger’s creative juices start to flow.
Tapping into his local small business support network and finance experts, Roger helped to quickly pull together a new game plan. Balancing equity and tax-increment strategies, along with additional financing from his connections at the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers, he helped the client close the gap and secure the space.
Yes, that’s the kind of attention that helps a business grow by 20% since moving in (and considering a new expansion!).
So, what would your banker have done? If you’re scratching your head, now’s a great time to say hello to Roger. You can reach him directly at 651-291-6204.
Roger Hamilton, Banker,
Senior Vice President
Just for You
Industry Outlook Report: Forces Impacting Your Business
Let Roger know a bit about your business in the form below and he’ll send you a comprehensive complimentary report that includes:
The latest market trends you should keep an eye on
How do you compare against other companies in your space
Economic projections specific to your industry
Pay and employee profiles
We’ll also keep you in the loop with other news that could affect how you’re growing your business.