Ana Arias - BankCherokee
Ana Arias

Ana Arias

Lending Support Specialist

What do you do at BankCherokee? 
I’m a Lending Support Specialist as well as providing back up to the Call Center. My role in these various positions now and over the years is to provide great service for all your banking needs.

How many years have you been in banking?
I have worked at BankCherokee since 1999. I started as a part-time teller and have worked in various positions over the years.

Why do you enjoy working at BankCherokee? 
I can see so many good things this organization does for our community. Every morning when I walk in I look forward to seeing new faces and my long time customers – I feel they are part of my family.

What is your favorite activity outside of work?
I enjoy walking and spending time at home with my family.

What was your best vacation ever? 
I loved Ocean City in Maryland.