Ethan Favre - BankCherokee
Ethan Favre

Ethan Favre


What is your position and how many years in banking?
I am a teller at our North Oaks Branch. This is my first time working in a bank.

Why do you enjoy working at BankCherokee?
I enjoy working at BankCherokee because of the welcoming community.

What is your best vacation ever?
My best vacation was going to Italy. I visited Rome, Venice, Florence, and the Vatican. My favorite part of the trip was going to Florence and traveling with a group of friends around the city. They had the best pizza, and they had a lot of local gold and leather shops as well. One of the restaurants I went to had a live opera singer and accordion player.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I love to spend time with friends and family.

What band or music do you enjoy most?
My favorite band is Coldplay.

Anything else you would like to share?
I am currently going to Northwestern for college, and I am studying finance.

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